Free Physical root cause Checklist

Uncover the underlying causes of dis-ease with our supportive checklist, specifically designed to help you identify the physical root causes of your chronic symptoms.

What's Inside:

  • A comprehensive checklist that highlights often-overlooked root causes during diagnosis.

  • Effective strategies for treating these physical root causes.

  • A detailed list of physical symptoms associated with mold illness, CIRS, Lyme disease, and mast cell activation.

This checklist serves as a valuable tool in your wellness journey, focusing on the physical root causes and symptoms frequently missed in chronic illness, especially the trifecta of Lyme, mold, and MCAS. By taking a holistic approach to address these root causes, you can gain the momentum needed to restore your health.

I understand that the path to wellness can be complex, and this guide is designed to help you take the initial steps toward uncovering the physical factors contributing to your chronic symptoms.

Healing is within reach, and there is always hope!